Felling and hazardous felling of trees

Felling and hazardous felling of trees

Nečekejte než vám rizikový strom spadne na dům

Co si představit pod pojmem rizikové kácení stromů? Jde o postupné kácení vzrostlých stromů, které ohrožují své okolí, nebo i stromů zdravých, které nelze pokácet ze země kvůli riziku poškození majetku nebo osob. Patří sem i likvidace či ořez stromů po kalamitách a odstraňování poškozených dřevin po škodných událostech.

Hazardous tree felling is classified as dangerous tree work carried out at height and should definitely not be carried out by an amateur. Fatalities and damage caused by unprofessional felling are not uncommon and often do not even avoid professionals. Risky felling and tree pruning are therefore only carried out by trained professionals who are insured up to 50,000,000,- for damages caused by careless behaviour.

Before the actual felling, a tree felling application must be made to the relevant authority, which assesses the risk and quality of the tree. Felling trees without a permit is possible for trees with a trunk circumference of less than 80 cm at a height of 130 cm from the ground, and no permit is required for felling fruit trees. It is then advisable to remove the tree during the dormant season, which is from 1 November to 31 March. However, in exceptional cases, trees may be felled outside this period.

After felling a tree, you can also use our other services – we offer complete disposal of branches with a chipper that can handle branches up to 25 cm in diameter. The remaining stump, which usually gets in the way of mowing and other garden activities, is removed by milling. Stump milling is carried out with a stump cutter, which can easily reach seemingly inaccessible places. So don’t hesitate to inquire about these services with us.

P.S. Fortunately, our tree cutters have never had to use the insurance!

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