Návrh a realizace zahrady na klíč Ostrava a okolí

Turnkey garden design and implementation

Uděláme vám zahradu dle vašich nejtajnějších tužeb

Budete stavět dům a nevíte si rady se zahradou? Nebo vás netěší stávající stav vašeho pozemku? Jsme tu proto, abychom to vyřešili. Zahradu vám navrhneme, zrealizujeme a můžeme ji následně i udržovat. Dokonalý a dlouhotrvající servis nejen během příprav a realizace je u nás samozřejmostí.

We work with each customer to create garden designs tailored to their requirements. A garden should be a place where you feel comfortable, presentable, calming and beautiful. And because everyone perceives this differently, we don’t follow any templates, but approach each customer individually.

In addition to designing and implementing a garden, we can do much more for you in this area. We will supplement it with an automatic irrigation system, of course establishing lawns, flower beds and the construction of modern gabion fences and many other services.

Do you want to know what is the price of garden realization per m2? It depends on the size of the garden, the complexity of the work to be carried out and the amount of trees, shrubs and other plants or accessories chosen, such as a pond, stream or rock garden. Send us an enquiry and we will create a quote for your dream garden.

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