Land reclamation

Land reclamation

Kompletní rekultivace pozemků? U nás ano!

Není váš pozemek nebo zahrada podle vašich představ? Pak využijte naší službu rekultivace pozemků. Postaráme se o staré, zanedbané zahrady a pozemek obnovíme a oživíme.

This includes tree felling, including hazardous tree felling, cutting back woody growth, grass cutting and wood chipping and bio-waste disposal. So you will not have to worry about anything.

We carry out reclamation not only in private gardens and plots, but also around roads and highways, in slopes, under power lines, and in other places where the human hand or heavy machinery has not intervened for several years and there are difficult conditions for work. We are equipped with the best machines to remove infestations and unsuitable trees.

An important piece of information for you will be the price of garden reclamation. It ranges from 40,- without VAT per m2 and depends on the complexity of the work carried out, which depends on the condition of the particular plot. We will prepare a custom quote for you.

We are also available to provide you with other services once the land has been cleared. We will design and implement your new garden to your liking, help with lawn establishment and aftercare and much more. In short, we provide a comprehensive service for your garden. Do not hesitate to contact us for the services you need.

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